10 Nov

The problem of climate change affects everyone worldwide. Difficult weather conditions, increased agricultural costs, and the inability to live in certain areas are all direct results of this phenomenon. You may have observed a change in how the weather occurs: high tides in the spring cause flooding in towns, and forest fires can spread rapidly through dry brush. Those who live in low-lying coastal areas are among those who must leave because of rising sea levels. These changes impact our way of life and general quality of life.

The rate at which seas are increasing has been determined in recent years, thanks to satellite monitoring. The rapid melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet and the Antarctic Ice Sheet is blamed for the rapid rise of sea levels. However, there is a tremendous degree of uncertainty about the rates of sea level rise. Even while researchers haven't pinpointed the precise causes of sea level increase, they have pieced together the historical trajectory of sea level rise and fall.

Heat causes water to expand, which in turn raises sea levels. Even though glacial snowfall mitigates the effects of ocean evaporation, rising temperatures have caused glaciers to melt and sea levels to rise. Another interesting fact is that over 90% of the extra heat created by the combustion of fossil fuels has been absorbed by this warm water in the ocean, which has caused the ocean's average temperature to rise by about 1 degree Celsius since 1880. As a result, sea levels are increasing worldwide.

Continuous sea level rise poses severe risks to coastal ecosystems and populations. An important factor in coastal flooding and erosion is the rise in storm surges. Therefore, it affects both the availability of clean water and soil quality.

Due to fast emissions of greenhouse gases, global ocean conditions have changed at a rate not seen in the preceding few million years. These changes severely impact marine life and ecosystems. Reduced ocean productivity, altered food web dynamics, and changed species distributions are all consequences of climate change. These changes also threaten human food availability and quality.

Variations in the ocean's temperature and salinity can profoundly affect marine life. Some species cannot survive even a moderate increase in temperature. In addition to wreaking havoc on an ecosystem, rising daytime temperatures may also diminish the number of different rock pools. High salinity and temperatures may alter the reproduction time, increasing mortality rates in specific populations.

Rising water temperatures and sea levels may hamper corals' skeleton-building operations. Because corals' skeletons are made primarily of calcium carbonate, sea-level changes can devastate the organism. Reduced calcium levels in reefs due to ocean acidification have been linked to coral bleaching. Coral calcification on the Great Barrier Reef has decreased 14.2% since 1990.

The warming water is already impacting fish movement and reproduction. And it's changing the marine ecosystems that hundreds of species rely on for survival. The economic stability of the Pacific Islands is in jeopardy as fish populations, especially tuna, move east.

Health will feel the effects of climate change directly and indirectly. The program at PAHO aims to prepare health systems better and minimize greenhouse gas emissions to lessen the health implications of climate change. The effects of climate change on human health will vary depending on local conditions and the degree of adaptation of affected populations.

The frequency and severity of natural disasters increase as the global average temperature rises. Due to warming and changing precipitation patterns, there is a greater chance of getting sick from consuming contaminated food or water. The increased rainfall and storms will lead to more severe and widespread disease outbreaks. 

The diversity of disease-carrying insects and other pests will increase with the onset of a new climate. These climate changes will increase the number of people vulnerable to mosquito-borne illnesses. West Nile virus infections, malaria outbreaks, and other climate-sensitive health problems will continue to rise.

Because of climate change, air quality has deteriorated. As temperatures rise and weather patterns shift, air quality can deteriorate, making respiratory disorders like asthma more difficult to manage. Human activities are increasing the frequency of wildfires, significantly contributing to climate change-induced air pollution. Ragweed pollen is released into the air, and the danger of allergy responses and other airborne diseases rises as temperatures rise and carbon dioxide levels rise.

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